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Salt water as fuel

Was combing YouTube for various different types of alternative fuels and came across this amazing video clip of a man named John Kanzius that invented a way to burn the salt in water via radio waves of course this is not all this wonderful machine can do.

It may also be a cure for cancer […]

The Ray Gun

Just like anything in this world somethings can be used for good like the Kanzius Machine and other things for bad like this next piece of technology called the Ray Gun. Which like its name hits the enemy with a invisible blast of high intense radio waves that heat your nerve endings under your skin […]

Wind energy made simple and cheap

One of the problems for the average person in collecting wind energy is the wind turbines are very BIG and not to cheap and have parts that have to be re-greased and replaced every so often and that can be expensive as well. Thanks to this next inventors idea all that may have changed.

Basically […]

Women Geeks Theme

Although we wanted to spotlight the current theme we are using it is not the theme we are planning on sticking with but it sure is better then that plain Default blue theme wordpress comes standard with. Right now a few women are busy custom making from scratch a 4 column WordPress theme that we […]

Meeting with the girls

After a brief but nice video conference via all the girls of women geeks we have decided to do the following to help everyone on the internet access this website and it is as follows.

1. Make the site multi lingual

2. Make a mobile version of the site

3. Make an account with all […]