Have been tinkering around with some ideas on how to make the blog a little bit better. First thing I have chosen to do was add the blog and feed to Technorati. You can check out our Technorati favorties here or click on our Technorati profile in the sidebar. Also the things I have chosen or done in order to bling this blog will be posted, so any other WordPress users can find out useful tips and tricks for the bling. One of the most important things that is on the list is to make the site mobile friendly and get a QR Code for it. But for now the Technorati is a good start.
Nothing easier than this. Head over to http://feed2mobile.kaywa.com and add your RSS feed. You get a QR Code with it.
I will bring this up at the next meeting I have seen your QR Code maker on Wikipedia and liked it enough then to bring it now to the girls. But one thing that we girls like is colors, are you planning to make available color QR codes anytime soon? And any plans on letting users add custom images to the QR codes?