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Electric cars

Found these two really great posts that talk about 2 different electric cars. The first post talks about a car named Karma made by a company called Fisker Automotive, that is half electric and half gas powered.

The other car is named Tesla and is a total electric car that can go over 250 miles […]

Women Geeks Theme

Although we wanted to spotlight the current theme we are using it is not the theme we are planning on sticking with but it sure is better then that plain Default blue theme wordpress comes standard with. Right now a few women are busy custom making from scratch a 4 column WordPress theme that we […]

New theme and bling coming

We have decided to go back to the original WordPress theme it came with until we can create our own wordpress theme. At the moment we are in a debate about how the theme should look, the main issue being how many columns there should be and what information should go in each one.


Feed Burning Bling

Have signed up the RSS Feed at Feedburner which is the best service in the cyberspace if you ask me for burning your feed. We do plan on offering Podcasts and Videocasts in the future and Feedburner also works with these formats but for now we just are burning text and photos. Which will probably […]

Meeting with the girls

After a brief but nice video conference via all the girls of women geeks we have decided to do the following to help everyone on the internet access this website and it is as follows.

1. Make the site multi lingual

2. Make a mobile version of the site

3. Make an account with all […]

Delicious Bling

Have added the Delicious favorites to the sidebar so now everyone can easily find stuff we have tagged here at women geeks. We are also busy sending out invites to women geeks to write posts about there jobs life or anything in between so stay tuned for this is something we plan to start to […]

Share this bling

As you can see at the bottom of everyone of our posts now is a Share This icon that will allow anyone to add the post to your favorite reader or email it to a friend. The plug in was made by Alex King and you can download it by going this webpage. Another plug […]

Brainiacs Succeed in Mapping 248-Dimensional Object

Brainiacs Succeed in Mapping 248-Dimensional Object via Ashley Bowers Blog

That high school math problem with a page-long solution was a cakewalk compared to a recent mathematics answer that would ink an area the size of Manhattan if written out in small print.

A total of 18 mathematicians and computer scientists from several countries worked […]


Have been tinkering around with some ideas on how to make the blog a little bit better. First thing I have chosen to do was add the blog and feed to Technorati. You can check out our Technorati favorties here or click on our Technorati profile in the sidebar. Also the things I have chosen […]

girl geek or stripper?

So I came across this geek of the month over at geek zine, and I think this girl has got to be a stripper who is pretending to be a geek just to get some pics published.. although maybe the younger girl geeks today are have some racy hollween costumes that borderline what kind of […]