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The Australian firewall is almost up!

The Australian firewall is soon to be up and I applaud the reasoning for them putting up this firewalll such as blocking illegal content but many suggest that it will not block its intended targets because the bad people do there stuff on peer to peer networks and other file sharing networks meaning that blocking […]

Nanotubes from crystals

Was reading this awesome story titled Nanotubes hold promise for next-generation computing which is about the next technological breakthrough in computing by using crystalline quartz to grow nanotubes on. This allows for better formations of the nanotubes using this type of quartz, instead of on silicon wafers which when nanotubes are grown on those the […]

Salt water as fuel

Was combing YouTube for various different types of alternative fuels and came across this amazing video clip of a man named John Kanzius that invented a way to burn the salt in water via radio waves of course this is not all this wonderful machine can do.

It may also be a cure for cancer […]

The Ray Gun

Just like anything in this world somethings can be used for good like the Kanzius Machine and other things for bad like this next piece of technology called the Ray Gun. Which like its name hits the enemy with a invisible blast of high intense radio waves that heat your nerve endings under your skin […]

Radio wave cures

A cure for all sorts of types of cancers may be on the way thanks to a new type of machine named after its inventor Jon Kanzius called the Kanzius machine. This video done by 60 minutes shows how a man using nothing but his wives pies pans and a radio was able to create […]

Wind energy made simple and cheap

One of the problems for the average person in collecting wind energy is the wind turbines are very BIG and not to cheap and have parts that have to be re-greased and replaced every so often and that can be expensive as well. Thanks to this next inventors idea all that may have changed.

Basically […]

Electric cars

Found these two really great posts that talk about 2 different electric cars. The first post talks about a car named Karma made by a company called Fisker Automotive, that is half electric and half gas powered.

The other car is named Tesla and is a total electric car that can go over 250 miles […]