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Diamonds or Gadgets?

One question many men have to ask themselves this Valentines day is deciding on what to give his woman. Besides the Flowers and Chocolates what else, some diamonds and jewelry or a new Laptop or a High Definition Television? Well we decided to run a poll to see just what women out there wanted for thier special day. Whatever you choose is fine with us we just want to know what women out there want and ofcourse if it is niether of the above or the usual two things let us know what you would love to have on the Febuary 14th

beauty and the geek on tv

Well I guess I haven’t been watching much t.v lately.. just got an email about this beauty and the geek show.. at first I just brushed it off as some kind of cheap attempt at a reality show that you may expect to see on the bar t.v at 2am.. but looking at the pics on their site, it seems it may have a good production value.

Of course the preview action makes it look like supermodels hanging with nervous geeks.. Someone should do a show like this with women geeks and have some male models that we could make nervous 😉

Paris Hilton featured in top 10 women geeks in UK

This was quite a shocker, Paris Hilton described as one of the top ten women geeks by cnet uk? Apparently they are giving her a place in the top women geeks because she is touted as a hardcore gamer. I had not known about Paris’ hardcore gaming, I have just seen all the Paris Hilton hardcore sex tape ads!

I can imagine the Paris may be a hardcore gamer, she can certainly afford big HD televisions and probably has all the top game systems… should this earn her a place in the top ten geeks? I don’t think so, although there are other top tens she might be featured in for along time, including one of yahoo’s top ten all time searches for 2006, it will be interesting to see if she is still int he top 10 in say 2009..

geek girl t shirts

Found a cool selection of geek girl t shirts!

owned geek girl t-shirt

I would definitely sport a few of these geek girl shirts from cafe press..

birthday hint 😉